Call to Ceremony

You are called to sacred ceremony to commune with the Infinite. Your soul longs for this connection. Your spirit is thirsty for the life-giving water ceremony provides. Ceremony is not the same as ritual. Ceremony is self-designed, inspired by Spirit. The components of ceremony change depending on what your own spirit is craving. Approach ceremony…

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Unconditional Love

Untethered. Free. Peaceful. Harmonious. Joyous. Loving. Acceptant. These are the beautiful states of being you long form. The reason these states of being can be so difficult to achieve in the context of family relationships is because you continue to rely on each other to meet your own unmet needs. These are not needs dictated…

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Surrender to the Light

Open and allow. The seat of consciousness is available in the very moment you choose to claim it. Unending love, abounding joy, profound peace, deep understanding, all the spiritual conditions you are trying to achieve in your life experience here on earth are so easily and readily available to you right now, in this moment.…

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Release Control

Release control. Let go of the wheel. Allow divine intelligence and divine timing to do the heavy lifting. Your job is simply to open and allow the avalanche of abundance flowing to you. In this moment, your future is assured. There is no need to effort or work harder, as you have already expended the…

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Structure and Routine

Your human craves routine. As much as you enjoy being in new, exciting locations, you crave structure in your days. Structure allows you to feel safe. This structure should change to accommodate the seasons. And you must not be tied to structure in a way that prevents you from following your heart’s calling. But structure…

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Open and Allow

Trust that all is well. Keep an open mind. An empty vessel is easier to fill than on that is already full. Your time is coming, and is indeed now at hand, the time when all will be made clear and you will revel in the joyous perfection of its unfolding. You need only trust;…

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More Light

More love. More light. More laughter. More playfulness. More joy. This is the manifestation of your heart that is even now making its way into your physical life experience. It has been there, waiting for you in the non-physical, waiting for you to remove the roadblocks holding your mind in a place of lack and…

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Path to Peace

Joy. The purpose of your life is joy. Your path is joy is to play. The freedom to play is your birthright as a conscious creator on this magnificent planet. Look at the many avenues to joy – the many ways you can experience pleasure on this lovely planet. There are so many things here…

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Receive Divine Flow

Never underestimate the power of what’s happening here. There are synergies that abound all around you, in every moment of every day, synergies uniquely orchestrated to bring about your greatest good.  None of these synergies is random. Rather, they were wrought with great intention, with great thought and care. The matrix provides a backdrop against…

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Flowers of Gratitude

Yours is a tale of love, loss and redemption, a story that tugs at the hearts of sentient beings throughout the Universe. It is a sweet, poignant story, much-loved and much-celebrated because you are much-loved and much-celebrated. There is so much excitement here in the spiritual realms as your story reaches its climax – so…

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Soul Love

Oh the glory of being in communion with those you love most is precious beyond compare. However, you do not need to be present in physical form to share in this communion. Your loved one is just as present, if not more present, in non-physical form as in physical form. You need simply reach with…

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System Upgrades

Do you know you are standing at the very brink of greatness? All that you desire is lined up at your feet, waiting for you to open your eyes and become aware of the beauty that is right there in front of you. It took many centuries, many generations of universal collaboration, for you to…

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Trust. Uncertainty is a luxury enjoyed exclusively in this time / space reality. Uncertainty is one of the experiences you enthusiastically embraced when you decided to be born into this human form. Trust is the point of attraction that makes uncertainty a truly pleasurable experience. In fact, developing trust is the reason for uncertainty. Trust…

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Awakening your Awareness

There is so much you tune out in a day. This is necessary, as it is not possible for your brain to process all the visual input, auditory input, olfactory input, tastes and physical sensations you encounter on a moment-by-moment basis. But slowing down, tuning into even the tiniest fraction of this external stimuli, will…

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Love Freely

Be free with your love, easy to please. Look for things to delight in. Seek joy in the world around you. Look for reasons to smile, reasons to laugh, reasons to feel surprise and delight in this world of wonders, marvels and mysteries. Hold your cares lightly. Let nothing weigh your spirit down. All is…

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Intriguing, isn’t it? How your desires shift and change as you evolve. Our journey with you is a grand adventure, a constant collaboration with forces you cannot see, endlessly conspiring on your behalf to bring about that which is of your choosing and contributing to your greater good. The glory of the mystery is truly…

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System Upgrades

System upgrades are incredibly exciting, but they can also be disorienting and a little frightening. A system upgrade happens when your mind is capable of conceiving scenarios your body is incapable of achieving. For example, a runner may be able to visualize moving through space at a speed his body Is unable to run. If…

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Miracles are your birthright. Learn to expect them. Miracles are the normal, natural result of your coming into alignment with your authentic self. You know when you are in alignment with your higher self when you feel worthy and blessed. Your natural responses is appreciation. So appreciation is your best indication of alignment. From this…

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Move Forward Slowly

Emerging from darkness is like waking up after a deep sleep. It can be a little disorienting. Do not feel pressured to do anything right now. Just relax into this state of being. Explore the many ways you can simply be. Don’t try to figure out next steps or a path forward. Simply relax into…

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Be Still

Anxiety in the face of uncertainty is normal and natural. In many ways, your world view has been deconstructed. This is a disorienting process, but one that is rife wiht potential. You will naturally gravitate towards your old beliefs and structures if you don’t provide space to just be in stillness. Be o.k. without having…

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Oh the joy and delight at the unfolding of your delicious life experience is so precious to us. The gift you have opened, a priceless treasure, is one we have prepared with such pleasure for so long. It is the result of a soul contract you made before you arrived on this planet. Your entire…

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Divine Love

Succumb to the love of the Universe. Give yourself over entirely. Allow it to envelop every aspect of your life, every aspect of your heart, your mind and your soul. Trust that all is well. God is the safety that you seek, the safety so many people long for. God, the divine masculine, is the…

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Joy Bouquet

To feel joy, collect your memories of joy the way you would collect flowers for a bouquet. Select only your purest joyful moments for the bouquet; the flowers free from imperfections. Organize your joy bouquet in a manner that is playing to you, then indulge in the delicious scent of each precious memory. Immerse yourself…

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Soul Love

Your higher self is more capable of a deeper, purer form of love than human love. The love of your higher self is the love you yearn for. You are not capable of loving another human being more than than their higher self is capable of loving them. Their own higher self is the love…

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Now more than any time in human history, it is possible to manifest dreams more easily and more quickly than every could have been conceived imaginable. Cryptocurrency is just one of the means by which dreams take form seemingly out of thin air. Amazingly, even people who are already investing in Bitcoin are unaware of…

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Hold it Lightly

You are so very loved and your heart is very precious to us. There is never an occasion that warrants heaviness or sadness in your heart because your joy and playfulness are the true nature of your being. Sadness can only occur when you don’t open and allow your natural state of joyfulness and playfulness.…

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