Joy Bouquet

To feel joy, collect your memories of joy the way you would collect flowers for a bouquet. Select only your purest joyful moments for the bouquet; the flowers free from imperfections. Organize your joy bouquet in a manner that is playing to you, then indulge in the delicious scent of each precious memory. Immerse yourself…

Path to Joy

Delight in this beautiful world around you. Smell more! Inhale deeply through your nose. Learn to taste the air with your mouth. There is a delicious bounty in the senses awaiting your discovery. Your senses are the easiest path to pure joy. You can access pure joy at any minute of any day by simply…

Pure Joy

Practice listening. We are in training, you and I. There are great things on the horizon. You will need to hear my voice clearly to receive the guidance you require. Do not be afraid to act. Do not hesitate. Boldly. Move forward boldly when you hear the sound of my voice. Your heart will recognize…