Finding Treasure in Playful Rest

Set aside time for restful play. Engage your playful spirit. But instead of using playfulness in its active form to exercise and move your beautiful body, use a passive form of play to open your heart center, engaging with self, soul and other. Playfulness is a connective energy that elicits positive feelings of expectation, surprise…

Surrender to the Light

Open and allow. The seat of consciousness is available in the very moment you choose to claim it. Unending love, abounding joy, profound peace, deep understanding, all the spiritual conditions you are trying to achieve in your life experience here on earth are so easily and readily available to you right now, in this moment.…


All that’s left to do is to allow the light to pour in, allow the love to pour in, allow the abundance to pour in. Your only job, your sole concern, is to play, experience joy, laugh, love and enjoy the delight that fills your heart. You are completely fulfilled in the being, in the…

Release Control

Release control. Let go of the wheel. Allow divine intelligence and divine timing to do the heavy lifting. Your job is simply to open and allow the avalanche of abundance flowing to you. In this moment, your future is assured. There is no need to effort or work harder, as you have already expended the…