Struggle and Sacrifice are Unnecessary

Sometimes you are tempted to believe that stress is necessary. It is not. Sometimes you are tempted to believe that success needs to be earned with sacrifice. It does not. Sometimes you are tempted to believe that lack and limitation are holy. They are not. These are all stories associated with an old version of…

Spiritual Trailblazing

Have you felt the shift? Maybe your perspective is one of disorientation or a soft awareness that your life feels a bit more unsettled, like you are on the brink of change. Heed this sensation and reach for clarity. Meditate. Go for a walk or a run in nature. Discover what this shift means for…

Love Freely

Be free with your love, easy to please. Look for things to delight in. Seek joy in the world around you. Look for reasons to smile, reasons to laugh, reasons to feel surprise and delight in this world of wonders, marvels and mysteries. Hold your cares lightly. Let nothing weigh your spirit down. All is…


Intriguing, isn’t it? How your desires shift and change as you evolve. Our journey with you is a grand adventure, a constant collaboration with forces you cannot see, endlessly conspiring on your behalf to bring about that which is of your choosing and contributing to your greater good. The glory of the mystery is truly…