Soul Love

Your higher self is more capable of a deeper, purer form of love than human love. The love of your higher self is the love you yearn for. You are not capable of loving another human being more than than their higher self is capable of loving them. Their own higher self is the love…


Now more than any time in human history, it is possible to manifest dreams more easily and more quickly than every could have been conceived imaginable. Cryptocurrency is just one of the means by which dreams take form seemingly out of thin air. Amazingly, even people who are already investing in Bitcoin are unaware of…

Hold it Lightly

You are so very loved and your heart is very precious to us. There is never an occasion that warrants heaviness or sadness in your heart because your joy and playfulness are the true nature of your being. Sadness can only occur when you don’t open and allow your natural state of joyfulness and playfulness.…

Path to Joy

Delight in this beautiful world around you. Smell more! Inhale deeply through your nose. Learn to taste the air with your mouth. There is a delicious bounty in the senses awaiting your discovery. Your senses are the easiest path to pure joy. You can access pure joy at any minute of any day by simply…