Clarity. Sense of place and purpose. These are constructs of your time and space. Your desire for purpose is rooted in doubt and lack of self-worth. If you knew how very loved you are, how treasured, how cherished, how celebrated you are, you would never again question your purpose or seek clarity on your reason for being. You are so infinitely worthy – right now, in this moment – of all the fabulous, incalculably valuable, treasures you are receiving.
Every precious breath you draw, every magnificently beautiful perception of this glorious planet, every radiant sight, sound, taste, smell and everything you feel on your skin, each precious pleasure you perceive with your awe-inspiring body, is a gift that doesn’t need to be earned. And these gifts are the ones that truly matter. To live is life’s greatest gift, her greatest treasure.
Are you living? Or are you simply surviving? You know the difference when the need for clarity and purpose disappear. Living requires only your senses and the ability to tune into your body. Surviving is the act of distracting yourself, creating needless pain and desire, by longing for things that are apart from sensory input.
Turn away from your need for validation from others. Turn away from your need for external stimuli that is not rooted in your own senses, perceptions and the experience of love for yourself and others.
Do not rely on or expect reciprocal love from others. Simply allow your own outpouring of love to wash through you, cleansing your heart, purifying your soul, and allowing you to perceive this world fully through your beautiful senses.
You are so very precious to all in the unseen world of spirit. Closer than your own skin, you are surrounded by a love so much more vibrant and alive than any human could possibly offer.
Turn your heart to that love and receive full, complete and immediate healing. There is no need to suffer. Whatever your cross, lay it down. It is no longer yours to bear. Offer it up to the love of All-That-Is and allow its energy to be recycled. All energy is love. By laying down your emotional burdens, you allow the Universe to reclaim the energy of those negative emotions and restore them to their natural state of love.
Note: These messages are received through a practice of daily meditation that is not tied to a specific religious tradition. I offer them here in love. If a particular message resonates with you, it’s because it was meant for you as much as it was meant for me.