It’s all for your greater good. These things you may perceive as challenges or setbacks – they are all for your greater good. All contrast is working on your behalf for your greater good. Things you perceive as negative are actually system upgrades. Physical challenges and limitations, even those that seem frightening or even life-threatening, are simply your body adapting to your new and expanded view of what is possible to achieve in this physical form.
There is no limit to what you can accomplish as you shed the density of this world and assimilate light energy while in this physical form. There is no illness from which you cannot recover. Nothing is broken that cannot be fully healed – and indeed restored to a state better than it was before, for that is the very purpose of a system upgrade! You need only be aware of the healing light that is available to you now, in this moment.
No effort-ing is required. Simply open and allow the love that is central to the nature of your being to flow naturally and easily through you in a river of healing abundance. You are the divine, living in this body of your choosing. In remembering this, you will know that all things are truly possible in this physical form.
Note: These messages are received through daily meditation and are meant to be shared. I offer them here in love. If a particular message resonates with you, it’s because it was meant for you as much as it was meant for me.