Release control. Let go of the wheel. Allow divine intelligence and divine timing to do the heavy lifting. Your job is simply to open and allow the avalanche of abundance flowing to you. In this moment, your future is assured. There is no need to effort or work harder, as you have already expended the energy required to bring your dreams to fruition. The river is already carrying you exactly whir you need to go. Needless expenditure of energy will just leave you feeling weak and tired.
Draw closer to God, and closer still. There is no end to this process of falling deeply and completely in love with God. Feel His love bathing your consciousness in light and power. There is literally nothing you cannot do. There is nothing beyond your worthiness. Infinite blessing is available to you, and you are worthy of all of it, dear one.
Follow your heart. Your desires are never wrong. They were chosen by you before you came into this life experience. Own them. Do not doubt your worthiness, even for a moment. The path is clear. Your way is assured. You are safe, protected, loved and guided as your future unfolds with abundance beyond measure.
Note: These messages are received through a practice of daily meditation that is not tied to a specific religious tradition. I offer them here in love. If a particular message resonates with you, it’s because it was meant for you as much as it was meant for me.