Emerging from darkness is like waking up after a deep sleep. It can be a little disorienting. Do not feel pressured to do anything right now. Just relax into this state of being.
Explore the many ways you can simply be. Don’t try to figure out next steps or a path forward. Simply relax into stillness until you have your balance.
Even when you regain your footing, move forward slowly and with simplicity. Remember to smile whenever possible. Be gentle with yourself and others. Practice pliability. There is no sense of urgency.
Reject judgment in any form. Simply refuse to perceive anything as judgement. You are all kids at the playground. Even if you hurt or offend another one of your playmates with your words or actions, if you avoid engaging, they will forget it and you will be able to resume play with them later. Offer a sincere apology and let it sit.
Give gifts with an open heart. Allow love to guide your path and be wide open to the leadings of your soul.
Note: These messages are received through daily meditation and are meant to be shared. I offer them here in love. If a particular message resonates with you, it’s because it was meant for you as much as it was meant for me.