Hidden Agreements

Just over two years ago, my husband and I went through a divorce… and I have yet to go on a date. I told myself many stories as to why that was the case. First, I simply wasn’t interested in dating. Then, a highly itinerant lifestyle prevented me from developing close relationships. When I finally…

Emotional Alchemy

Emotion is powerful. It’s transformative. But all-too-often, it feels beyond our control. We observe something wanted or unwanted. We have a positive or negative interaction. The experience or interaction elicits an emotional response. Like leaves in the wind, we move along life’s path in a seemingly random emotional pattern, subject to unseen forces beyond our…

Vehicular and Spiritual Alignment

At the beginning of this road trip, driving through the mountains of Colorado pulling a pop-up trailer with a minivan was a harrowing experience. It took diligence and a bit of skill to protect brakes from overheating going downhill and engine from overheating going uphill. Additionally, my 2012 Honda Odyssey had warped rotors, which caused…