I Attracted This. Those words hold great power… but also great danger. Power comes from focusing forward: Why did I attract this? What golden nugget of wisdom and insight lies waiting to be uncovered?
The danger comes from focusing backward: How did I attract this? Guilt and self-blame are not simply unproductive. They rob you of your sense of worthiness, stealing your power to change.
My last blog post, “I Attracted This”, received so many positive comments and words of wisdom on Facebook. I was grateful and humbled by the outpouring of support. The words “I attracted this” resonate with more people than I would have ever imagined! I felt a sense of responsibility to ensure the energy in those words is directed forward, not backwards.
We each have an emotional guidance system that tells us whether our thoughts are taking us towards our goals or away from them. If we are moving towards our goals, we feel good. If we are moving away from our goals, we feel bad.
Reconciliation feels good. Retribution feels bad. This is not only true when we deal with with others, it is true when we deal with ourselves.
Healing comes from focusing forwards. Even victims of heinous crimes find relief in reconciliation as opposed to retribution. If they are capable of finding catharsis in forgiveness, shouldn’t we approach our obstacles in similar fashion? When we face a serious challenge, the natural response is to push it away; to try to get rid of it. The next time you hear Challenge knock at the door, try this exercise.
Hearing the knock, you open the door to find Challenge standing at your doorstep. Instead of trying to push her back outside or slam the door in her face, you greet Challenge and invite her inside for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Inviting Challenge to sit in a comfortable chair, you ask her the reason for her visit. If you sit with Challenge, getting to know her, what will the conversation reveal? What precious insight will Challenge provide? Many people have learned that Challenge leads to personal enrichment, improved relationships and even prosperity. It would be a shame to push Challenge away when you learn so much more by inviting her inside.
A good conversation with Challenge often reveals that she is really her sister, Opportunity, in disguise. What if you learned to always greet Challenge as Opportunity? Imagine arriving at a point where you become friends with Challenge, laughing together as you explore the inner growth you receive from Opportunity disguised as Challenge!
Some day, on a beautiful tranquil shore, watching the sun set, you will recall with love and compassion the person you were before you greeted Challenge as a friend… and you will be grateful for having acquired the vision to greet her as Opportunity.